#3 TJ

Much like James Madison, Thomas Jefferson made this list for what he did before and during his presidency. I know it seems hypocritical to have TJ and Madison on this list because of what they did before, but their significance was greater than the significance of the actions of Eisenhower and Theodore Roosevelt. That is just my opinion, but Eisenhower and Theodore Roosevelt weren’t snubbed from this list, so I don’t feel bad for my actions on this subject matter.

Thomas Jefferson, the third president who served two terms from March 4th, 1801 to March 4th, 1809. He was also the first Secretary of State under Washington and Vice President to John Adams. He also died on the most American day, July 4th.

During his presidency, Jefferson dealt with the Barbary wars. With a young country comes problems, especially when you used to have the largest navy protecting your trade interests along the Barbary Coast. After the United States became its own country, it lost the protection of the British navy. With no naval protection for its trade ships along the Barbary Coast, many US ships were attacked by the Barbary Pirates. He authorized a fleet of US ships to show force in the region. It was not until the USS Philadelphia was captured until Jefferson decided to use military action. This is where the USMC gets “To the shores of Tripoli” in their anthem.

In 1803, Jefferson bought the Louisiana Territory for 10 million dollars from France. The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the United States. The purchase of the huge track of land west of the Mississippi was now open to future settlers. However, Jefferson wanted the area to be explored. Her ordered Meriwether Lewis and William Clarke to take an expedition west and explore the newly purchased territory. With the exploration came the discovery of many new species and opened up the west to the United States.

Jefferson also did not believe that the Native Americans were an inferior race like many other Americans at the time.

As stated, Jefferson is on this list as much for what he did during his presidency as he did before.

He wrote the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom which guaranteed the religious freedoms for the citizens of Virginia. Something they were not granted in England at the time and which was a main reason many people left England.

Jefferson also establish the University of Virginia, one of the premier institutions of higher education on the east coast and in the entire country. It boasts one of the top business schools in the world. In addition to establishing UVa, he was also a great inventor. His home, Monticello, shows many of his inventions through the house.

Jefferson took the words of John Locke, a great political philosopher, and put them into action. John Locke was the first to coin the idea that people are born with certain unalienable rights. “Life, Liberty, and Property” were the words of John Locke. Jefferson went further on that idea when he wrote the Declaration of Independence. He was one 0f the great political minds of the time and through all of American history.

Thomas Jefferson was and is one of the greatest Americans to this day.

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