#7 Washington

So after Eisenhower comes our first President. George Washington. Washington was in office from April 30th 1789 to March 4th 1797.

Like Eisenhower, Washington was a military hero, and like Ike, that is not the only reason that he is on the list.

A list of the top presidents would be incomplete with our the very first president. He was the first and the only president to receive all the electoral votes. Washington was not a member of any political party and when he left office in 1797, he advised against political parties because he was worried about how it would split the country. He was right, and the split in political ideologies continues to his very day.

Although, his presidency did not see issues such as the great depression (FDR), a Civil War (Lincoln), Another war with Great Britain (Madison) or other major issues that faced the country during the terms of other presidents, his role as the first president is just as important. He did more than other presidents.

When the French Revolution broke out in 1793, he and the American cabinet (which was much smaller at the time) decided it was in the best interest of the American people to remain neutral. This angered France but in the end, the young country could not support France financially.

Domestically, Washington raised taxes in 1791 because of the Copper panic of 1789. This tax was an excise tax on stills. This eventually led to the Whiskey Rebellion. Because, at the time, the regular army was too small, Washington invoked the Militia Act of 1792, calling for militia from Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia to put down the rebellion. This rebellion and the use of Washington as Commander-In-Chief proved that the new, young country could protect itself.

Although Washington’s list of accomplishments is not as long as others, his acts did wonders for the young country and helped to keep the young country intact.

Keep in mind, a majority of the list is interchangeable and these people can be moved around. Washington is one that can most certainly rise up on the list from #7.

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